Viktor BrenekBlogPortfolio

Hello world


Hello! If you are reading this i am probably dead… hopefully not lol. But socialy its quite probable. This is actually my first blog post outside of development series. While writing those lines i am amuzed of myself. Keeping a blog will be definetly hard since i am not able to post anything on my social media in time. So please… dont expect me to amuze you every day on time. You know… maybe just check in once in a month :D Anyways… these “side talks” will be focused more on my personal life, but i dont want to bother you with bullshit. So i will try to add something usefull to each of my blog posts. Today i have got something small, but maybe it can help you with your website :)

Something usefull?

So you might be wondering… How that ape get this cool website online? And how come hes actually not paying anything for it! SHOCKER! Well me and my collegue Daniel Hruška have found some cool ideas in the depths of github. There is actually a very smart german web designer whos using this javascript compiler, that can actually compile your blog posts written in markdown into html5 files. “OK CHAMP - So you have got very primitive backend and how come you dont pay shit?” Well Johny github is actually quite usefull in that matter, you can create up to ONE personal website and host it completly free on your profile. Only thing you actually need to setup (if you want too) and pay for (a little bit) is your own personal domain. “But you said FREE damn you!” Well… if you dont have 250 pesos/year you are fucked yea. Sorry about that.

If you are still interested you can educate your self about this website solution here Minimal-viable-blog

And since i havent actually presented anything of my own creations. Here you can steal my html structure of my layered blog posts which you can see on the main blog page. Have fun doing the CSS sucker.


              each tag, name in mvb.groupedArticles.byTag 
                  input#group-1(type='checkbox' hidden='')
                  label.shrink.fa.fa-angle-right= name
                    each article in tag
                        a.articlelink(href=`articles/${}.html`)= article.title

Just kidding. I will include the CSS later ;) For now it a mess haha.

Stay tunned. CYA!

Thats it for today :)

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